
Saturday, 7 May 2016

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite

suggestions to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite is a circulatory disorder disease and unfortunately is one of the main problems of women. More false and unbalanced eating habits, such as a lack of physical activity and exercise is a problem because it is effective. lose weight for a solution to this problem, balanced, adequate and proper eating habits to learn, to improve their sports activities, such changes are not to consume plenty of water and liquid rather than work.

The thing to note; Ideal weight when the cellulite problem will be reduced to a minimum as well. Weight problems in people who are not poor cellulite can be said to be present. That such a situation implies an unstable and unhealthy.

Anti-cellulite advice;
1. Facilities within 30-40 minutes 3-4 times per week as a minimum regular sports exercises should be done. This should be the first 20 minutes of warm-up exercises. Because, people can harm the body of the sport which will be held from warming, the accumulation of lactic acid in the body and the destruction of cellulite is caused by blocking. Accordingly, the burning of fat in the body start after the first 20-minute warm-up.

2- done during sport and should be consumed at least 2.5-3 liters of water a day. Water consumption in person to ensure the orderly functioning of the kidneys and the destruction of cellulite is accelerating. In case of more than 4 liters daily of excessive water consumption it should also be noted that there will be a loss of electrolytes in the body. Every day, 3 cups of licorice, herbal teas such as sage and nettle can be consumed.

3. The mixture as vegetable oils can be consumed. In this way, ingested fatty acids needs the pattern becomes most appropriate form. Taken daily fat and amount should be observed. There are also benefits in avoided margarine and animal fats.

To get rid of cellulite
Herbal mixture, olive oil or nut oil + sunflower or corn oil + soybean oil or cottonseed oil from three types can be selected and consumed as a mixture. Moreover, in vegetable dishes and salads with olive oil, sunflower in other dishes, corn, soybean and cottonseed oil may be preferred. Nuts, seeds and oily foods such as almonds and hazelnuts are beneficial to the human body, fatty acids contain.

4- foods containing potassium and vitamin C should be consumed frequently used. These are used to clean the tissue waste is expedite the transfer of nutrients to the cells. Potassium and vitamin C-rich bananas terms, apricots, watermelon, pomegranate, dates, new world, kiwi, dried fruit, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit-like fruit servings should be consumed every day until 3-5.

5- and foods rich in vitamin E also has anti-aliasing skin. Foods containing magnesium allows to act metabolism. Consumption of foods containing phosphorus ensures the strengthening of the tissue.

It should be avoided in the diet;

First and foremost, alcohol, coffee, tea and cola as caffeine which should be careful to stay away from drinks, sugar, salt, baking and overly sweet foods should not be consumed. Frying and roasting type of food, burned, and animal fats, excessive fatty foods, fast food and other content indefinite prepared foods, it is the enemy of those who want to get rid of cellulite, and they should stay away. But less frequently than in the daily diet or skip meals to feed, consume plenty of water, if necessary, is also very important to get the support needed from an expert.

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